Our History

First Baptist Church was formally organized on August 20, 1795 as the Third Baptist Church of Greenfield. When Hadley was established in 1801, it became the Baptist Church of Hadley. Finally, in 1818, it became the First Baptist Church of Corinth. Names such as Cowles, Barrass, Eggleston, Ellis, Green, Ide, Mallery, Parmenter, Wood, and Young appeared in the first records of the church. Some of these are still familiar Corinth names today.

The congregation occupied two buildings during its history in the village: the original wood frame structure that was destroyed by fire in 1897 and a historically-marked brick building which still stands at the corner of Main and Palmer. Beginning in March of 1996, the congregation revisited the concept of relocation, an idea that was first discussed back in the 1970’s.

It would be impossible to recount the myriad of ways in which God provided and blessed to allow for the building of the present facility which was dedicated on May 7, 2006. We look forward to what the Lord has in store in the days ahead as we endeavor to reach out to our community for Christ.